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Dear our contestants!
Yesterday was an amazing Film festival, in which a new community "Buddyfilmfestival!" was suddenly created. And, it's really not just a film festival anymore, it's a creative family. We will show the films of the competition throughout the year at various venues in the city, if you agree.
According to the results of the voting, the results are as follows:
Nomination "Feature film" - From the bottom of the top
The nomination "Documentary film" is Sleds. Theater in spite of
Short Film Nomination - Bath DAY
The nomination "Debut" - Once upon a time
Nomination "Prize of the President of the Film Festival" - Rock Baritone and Close contact
Congratulations to everyone!
Yesterday, those who were marked by the Jury members and those who were present in the hall were on the stage.

December 25, 2023

The selection Committee, together with the President of the film Festival, is working on screening films submitted to the film festival.

You can safely claim the name "international", as films are presented from all over the world.

The level of films is good. There are many documentaries and short films.

December 18, 2023

The "Buddyfilmfestival" is expanding its geography. We are located on the international festival aggregator.
It is very interesting, how is the concept of God-centered consciousness understood beyond the borders of our country?
Let's see what kind of films are coming. In anticipation.

December 5, 2023

The festival is gaining momentum.
The partner program includes the theater "Territory ZERO".
Territory ZERO is a theater that is conceptually close to our festival and the meanings that are shown on the stage in productions by different directors coincide with the festival ones – Be!

December 3, 2023

Our festival is getting stronger!
It is strengthened by a team of professionals.
Alexey Muradov is the first member of our Jury.
It's going to be a great team.

November 28, 2023

When you start a new business, you can do it yourself, barter with the world, or you can attract business companies. 
Then it will turn out faster and better.
The amazing trust of the company "Usadba" LLC, which produces the crispy Sattva pastille, is the beginning of our cooperation.

November 25, 2023

The production center "Buddyfilmfestival", the film festival "Buddyfilmfestival" has concluded an agreement with the autonomous non-profit organization in the field of arts development "Festival Plus", represented by its CEO Vitaly Karyakin on strategic partnership!
Thank you, Vitaly, for the honor and I believe that together we will have a wonderful Film festival.

November 24, 2023

If you want to show your film at our film festival, then you can leave an application here.

November 24, 2023

A team of like-minded people began work on creating a website and preparing the First film Festival dedicated to the memory of N.A.Russia by Viktor Proskurin.

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